Thank you for contributing to the ministry of Ponderosa! Through donor support, volunteers, and ministry partners we will continue making KINGDOM IMPACT for decades more. Your prayers and continued encouragement is appreciated, and together we can see lives transformed through the power of Christ and The Gospel. Ponderosa's ministry supports 11 full-time resident staff and upwards of 50 hourly staff. Please pray for our ministry, share our story with family and friends, and consider being a monthly supporter of our ministry.

Send a kid to camp! We are now seeking ministry partners who would like to donate the camp fee for kids and youth in financial need.  We have created designated scholarship funds for our partners to donate to for Peak Kids Camp ($255 per kid) or Summit Youth Camp ($335 per youth).  There are several churches in our area that struggle to raise funds for kids who cannot afford to come to camp.  What a great way to help make it possible for someone to experience a session at camp where we know they will hear the Gospel and encounter Christ.  For more information on our camper scholarships, please contact Andrew at

Spaces needing new carpet:

• Game Room and Lobby $6300

• Pikes Peak Lodge meeting room $4200

• Private cabins (remodel & carpet) $1200 per cabin

Equipment needed:

• Boom lift

• (3) lightly used Mitsubishi (imported from Japan) mini trucks/vans for housekeeping $8000 each

• (2) lightly used gasoline powered Golf Carts (for group rental) $8000 each

• (2) lightly used SUV's (all wheel drive/4 wheel drive) for on-road camp vehicles $7000 each

• Buffalo Chopper for Dining Hall Kitchen $3000

Facility needs:

• Columbine Cabins remodel $8,000

• Electrical run to recreation Areas $3000

• Rebuild North Well shed $6000

• Road Millings for camp roads $2000

• Dining Hall back porch $10,000

• Office building's east side paint and trim $3000

• Tumbleweed floor joist replacement $2500

• New light fixtures for Cherry dorm $400

• Allison sound system $1500

• Elkhorn meeting room remodel $3000

• Adirondak chairs $150 per chair

Staff housing needs:

• Aspen Cabin conversion to staff housing $7000 per cabin

• Pennison house paint and patch siding $2000

• Clark house front deck $10,000

• Crosland house back deck  $6000

• Crosland house interior flooring $2500

Big Ticket Wish List

• Convert the old retention pond into a high adventure swimming pond $500,000


Are you interested in blessing Ponderosa through a missions project? Our missions partners can adopt a project on camp through either funds and/or labor. If you're interested in more information on partnering with us, please contact